Mother nature's son

Interprète : The Beatles

[RE]Born a [RE4]poor young country [RE]boy - [RE/SI]Mother [RE/LA]nature's [RE/SOL#]son [MI]
[LA]All [LA4]days [LA]long [LA4]I'm [LA]sitting [LA4]singing [LA]songs for every[RE]one[REm7]. [RE4]
Sit beside a mountain stream - See her waters rise
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies.
[RE]Du du du du du [SOL]du du du du du [RE]du ..[SOL]. [RE]
Find me in my field of grass - Mother nature's son
Swaying daisies sing a lazy song beneath the sun.
[RE]Hm,[REm7] Hm, [SOL]Mother nature's [RE]son.

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